Click the writing button and write about your thoughts in Korean.

여러분은 무엇을 좋아합니까? 그리고 무엇을 잘합니까? 여러분이 좋아하거나 잘하는 것(노래, 운동, 요리, 춤, 과목, 게임 등)을 이야기해 보세요. What kinds of things do you like? What kinds of things are you good at? Write a piece about things you like to do or things you are good at (singing, exercising, cooking, dancing, school subjects, games, etc.).

1. 여러분은 무엇을 좋아합니까?

What kinds of things do you like to do?

2. 왜 그것을 좋아합니까?

Why do you like them?

3. 여러분은 무엇을 잘합니까?

What kinds of things are you good at?

4. 여러분은 어떻게 그것을 잘하게 되었습니까?

How did it come to be that you are good at these things?

5. 여러분이 좋아하거나 잘하는 것에 대해 오늘 배운 “-보다”를 사용해서 써 보세요.

Write a passage on things that you are either good at or enjoy, using the structure we learned today, ‘-보다’
