Let's review today's expressions one more time. Don’t forget to bring today’s lesson with you. Click ‘Print’ to print it out.

Grammatical expression

‘-보다’를 사용해서 두 가지 이상의 대상을 비교하는 표현하는 것을 배웠습니다.

Today we learned how to express past events,?whether they be stories from yesterday or stories from long ago?using the infix ‘-았/었/였-’.

Read the following sentence and think about the meaning English >>

1) 특히 마지막에 패스를 정말 잘했어.

2) 다른 친구들도 어제보다 더 잘했어.

3) 한 게임 더 하고 싶다.

1) Especially at the end, you passed really well.

2) Your other friends, too, did better than yesterday.

3) I want to play one more game.