Click the writing button and write about your thoughts in Korean.
여러분은 무슨 동아리에 들어가고 싶습니까? 무슨 재미있는 동아리를 직접 만들어 보고 싶습니까? 자신이 좋아하는 동아리를 만들어서 친구들에게 소개하는 포스터를 만들어 봅시다.What kind of club would you like to join? What kind of fun club would you like to start yourself? Try creating a poster introducing a club that you would like to make to your friends.
1. 무슨 동아리에 들어가고 싶습니까?
What kind of club would you like to join?
2. 무슨 동아리를 직접 만들고 싶습니까?
What kind of club would you like to start yourself?
3. 그 동아리에서 무슨 활동을 하고 싶습니까?
What would you like to do in that club?
4. 그 동아리의 이름은 무엇으로 하고 싶습니까?
What would you like to name your club?
5. 동아리 모임은 얼마나 자주 할 것입니까?
How often would your club meet?
6. 친구들에게 자신이 만든 동아리를 소개하는 포스터를 만들어 보세요.
Make a poster introducing the club you made to your friends.