Choose a charatrer for yourself and make up a conversation.

: 선생님, 안녕하세요!

: 어! 지나, 어디 가?

: 수영장에 가요. 요즘 수영을 배우러 다녀요.

: 매일 수영하러 다녀?

: 아니요. 매주 월요일에 가요.

: 그런데, 내일 오전에 시간있어? 농구동아리 학생들과 선생님들의 시합이 있어. 너도 농구시합을 보러 올래?

: 정말요? 저 농구 정말 좋아해요!

: 그럼 내일 체육관으로 보러와.

: 네, 꼭 갈게요.

: Hello!

: Oh! Jina, where are you going?

: I'm going to swimming pool. These days I go there to learn how to swim.

: Do you go there to swim every day?

: No, I go there Mondays.

: By the way, do you have time tomorrow morning? There’s a basketball game between the student club and teachers tomorrow. Would you like to come watch the basketball game?

: Really? I really like basketball!

: Then, come to the gym to watch the game tomorrow.
Then come watch at the gymnasium tomorrow.

: Yes, I’ll come for sure.