Let's review today's expressions one more time. Don’t forget to bring today’s lesson with you. Click ‘Print’ to print it out.

Grammatical expression

‘-(으)려고’를 사용해서 의도나 계획을 말하는 표현을 배웠습니다.

Today we learned how to express a will or intention using ‘-(으)려고’.

Read the following sentence and think about the meaning English >>

1) 무슨 선물을 사려고 하니?

2) 멋진 등산 모자를 사려고 해요.

3) 재미있는 책을 선물하려고 해요.

1) What are you planning on buying?

2) I’m planning to buy a nice hat for hiking.

3) I’m planning to give an interesting book as a gift